Wood County Prevention Coalition

1867 Research Drive
Bowling Green, OH 43402

(419) 354-9010

Ext. 174

Helping youth be drug-free, responsible, and productive citizens.

We are a coalition of compassionate community members working together to coordinate high quality programs for the prevention of youth substance abuse in Wood County.

Uniting for a drug-free community since 2004

We are a coalition of compassionate community members working together to coordinate high quality programs for the prevention of youth substance abuse in Wood County.

Welcome to Wood County Prevention Coalition

Who We Are

We are a coalition of compassionate community members working together to coordinate high quality programs for the prevention of youth substance abuse in Wood County.

Awards & Recognition


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News & Announcements

Discussion of the Youth Survey Results 2022

Bill Ivoska, Kyle Clark, Angela Patchen and Tina Bradley speak and react about the results of the Youth Survey.  They talk about how the Wood County Prevention Coalition will take the results of the survey and take future action based on the results and what results...

Wood County Youth Survey Results 2022

Bill Ivoska presents the Wood County Youth Survey Results for 2022. He compares the results from this year to results from the past 17 years.  The survey results contain information on the percent of Wood County Youth that is using or addicted to drugs (Specifics...

Become a Volunteer

Together We Can Make A Difference

The Wood County Prevention Coalition is seeking passionate volunteers who want to see a community that is safe, healthy, and drug-free for our youth. In order to ensure that your time and talents will be best utilized


Help them whenever they are in need

The Wood County Prevention Coalition is seeking passionate volunteers who want to see a community that is safe, healthy, and drug-free for our youth. In order to ensure that your time and talents will be best utilized